English Language Development » Philosophy Of Instruction for ELL Students

Philosophy Of Instruction for ELL Students

Our mission at UCSD #1 is to provide powerful instruction that leads to positive and continual effort and preparation for the 21st century. We commit to providing challenging and relevant experiences while building positive relationships.

All English Language Learners (ELLs) throughout the district benefit from this same philosophy. The District works diligently to ensure that all ELLs receive the highest quality of education. We fulfill our mission by having highly qualified teachers and support staff that work collaboratively to provide each student with a quality education.

The goal of the District is to place ELLs in an optimal program that caters to the individual needs of each ELL until the ELL can meaningfully participate and successfully perform in a mainstream setting. The programs available to ELLs have the full support of the District as resources are procured, teachers are trained, and ELLs receive individualized training from highly qualified teachers.

UCSD #1 is committed to providing:
Personalized Learning: To provide a relevant, challenging curriculum, we will provide flexibility and individualization for all students using the following:

  • multi-Tiered System of Supports: We will ensure positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students by reducing barriers to learning.
    • Academic
    • Behavior
    • Attendance
  • Challenging, High Quality, Viable, Core Curriculum: We will ensure that all students acquire 21st century skills in all content areas using best instructional practices.
  • Effective Instructional Strategies in Every Classroom: We will ensure the highest quality of staff development, supervision, and growth opportunities for all staff.
  • Data Informed Culture: We will continue with professional development around analyzing and using data, and continue our work on assessments.


Local School Responsibilities-Identification

  1. Identify PHLOTE (Primary or Home Language other than English) students.
  2. Complete Student Registration forms
  3. Keep a copy of the registration form in the students’ cumulative files.
  4. Notify the ELL coordinator of newly registered PHLOTE students.
  5. Archive students’ pertinent information, such as refusal of service letters, WIDA online screeners, Kindergarten MODEL screeners, and ACCESS scores in the students’ cumulative files.

ELL Coordinator Responsibilities

  1. Screening test administration within 30 days of the school year for students enrolled on the first day of school, or 14 days for students that enroll after the first 30 days.
  2. Notify parents/guardians of ELL (English Language Learner) students’ eligibility for services, placement on monitor status, and ACCESS for ELLs results.
  3. Assign ELL students to appropriate ELL instruction programs.
  4. Monitor ELLs on monitor status for a period of 4 years.
  5. Exit qualified students from the ESL program.
  6. Annually retest identified ELLs with the English proficiency exam (ACCESS for ELLs).
  7. Maintain current records and input student ELL status, monitor status, demographic information, student screening data, and ACCESS testing data in customized ELL page in PowerSchool.

Local School Responsibilities-Education

  1. Provide certificated, English-fluent ESL endorsed teacher(s).
  2. Provide equitable educational facilities and educational settings.
  3. Provide teaching materials and supplies.
Download the complete English Language Learners Plan for Uinta County School District #1